What is Chlorogenic Acid?
But the positive actions of the chlorogenic acid found in green coffee don’t stop there. In addition, it increases metabolism in the liver. By increasing liver metabolism, it can effectively help to keep weight under control by burning fat.
What Does Dr. Oz Have To Say About Green Coffee?
Dr. Oz has said that Green Coffee is “The Magic Weight Loss Cure For Every Body Type”. See the full Dr. Oz video here. The Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity journal used GCA® green coffee with 50% chlorogenic acid to perform a clinical study and the participants had amazing results. Green Coffee has been shown in clinical studies to reverse weight gain from a high-fat diet and protected the liver from fatty buildup.
Most participants lost an average of 17 lbs. each! That’s a loss of over 16% of their body fat and 10.5% of body weight. The full study can be found here.
Our Green Coffee meets ALL of Dr. Oz’s very specific requirements including 100% pure green coffee bean extract of 1600mg per day (800mg 2x/day). Read his full requirements here.
Key Benefits of Vital Mend Green Coffee Bean Extract:
As with any weight loss program, your individual results may vary. View the full Vital Mend Disclaimer.
Cardiovascular health.
No exercise required.
Our green coffee bean extract uses green coffee antioxidant GCA as mentioned and the purest form of green coffee bean extract available.
And much more!
Over 100,000 Happy Customers
At Vital Mend, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands lose weight the healthy way for many years. We aren’t riding the wave of popularity, we are confident in what Green Coffee can do for you and we have health coaches standing by to answer your questions.
Green Coffee Bean Extract needs to include GCA® with 50% chlorogenic acid in order to be effective.
What Makes Vital Mend’s Green Coffee Bean Extract #1
Now that you know a little bit about what to look for when buying Green Coffee Bean Extract and what to avoid, what makes Vital Mend stand out from the crowd? We’ve been doing this for many years, long before it became the hottest trend in the diet industry. We stand behind Vital Mend Green Coffee Bean Extract. We aren’t here to sell you Green Coffee, we’re here to help you reach your goals.
We have a team of health coaches standing by to answer any of your Green Coffee Bean questions and offer flat rate shipping on every order.
We only sell 100% Pure Green Coffee Extract that includes GCA® with 50% chlorogenic acid.
Made In The USA
Green Coffee Made In USAVital Mend Green Coffee Bean Extract is produced in the United States in a state-of-the-art FDA registered laboratory that conforms to the tested grade strength and purity of USP quality standards and is manufactured under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s cGMP certification.
If you’re ready to start living the life you want, we can help. The best part is, if you aren’t getting the results you expected, we offer a 60-day money back guarantee. Purchase Green Coffee Extract from us and we’ll help you every step of the way.
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