You may not know it, but Metabolism really is the 3rd but missing secret to fast, painless fat loss
Obviously the first 2 are:
Eat less: Lowers your calorie intake. Less food to be stored as fat. But can be painful and hard to stick to for any period of time, due to your body being used to a certain level of calories.
Exercise more:Burns more calories. And if you exercise on an empty stomach it can force your body to burn fat. But with an empty stomach, you have nothing to fuel your exercise, which makes it so much harder to stick to.
Of course these have been the mainstay of losing weight for many years and if you have any willpower, they’ll work for you. But if you’re looking for an easier, less stressful way to lose the pounds, you need to know about the 3rd missing secret to fat loss..
Speed up your Metabolism: The ‘missing secret’
Your ‘basal’ or resting metabolism, uses around 60% of the calories you need each day, with around 30% of the calories used when you move (known as your activity metabolism). The other 10% are used for digesting food, which is known as your thermic metabolism.
Turn up your metabolism and those figures rise, meaning you’ll be burning more calories, without diet or exercise.
People fall into one of two metabolic types:
metabolisers. These people have no problem burning calories and seem to
be able to eat what they like, without storing much fat.
Slow metabolisers.These people have a problem burning calories and will store fat easily and unfortunately, very quickly.
Many people will complain and say “I wish I had your fast metabolism so I didn’t put on weight so easily.”Well you can speed up your metabolism and become one of ‘them’, much easier than you think. If you turn up your metabolic dial, you’ll burn more calories NATURALLY. Your body’s calorie furnace will be turned up to maximum power, forcing it to not only burn the calories you eat at every meal, but also your stored fat!
Remember, it’s your metabolism which ultimately controls your weight loss or gain, because it’s responsible for how much fat your body burns rather than stores.
Adiphene turns up your metabolism so it can burn more of the fat you eat, along with your stored fat, much more effectively . . .
Turn up your ‘Metabolic Dial’ and you’ll lose weight without dieting or exercise
Your metabolic rate is simply the rate at which your body burns calories. Speed up your calorie burning (metabolism) and you can lose weight even if you eat the same amount of food! Just turn the dial with Adiphene.
Can you see why it makes so much sense to concentrate your weight loss efforts on speeding your metabolism up?
Don’t worry, you can speed up your metabolism without changing your diet and without exercise.
And this is not Hocus Pocus. It’s simply switching your metabolism naturally using specially selected nutrients, proven to force up your metabolic rate, forcing your body to burn more calories and more of your stored fat.
But be warned… despite what you’ve heard in the past, when you diet and exercise alone, without turning up your metabolism, you are throwing water on your metabolic fire
Eat less: Lowers your calorie intake. Less food to be stored as fat. But can be painful and hard to stick to for any period of time, due to your body being used to a certain level of calories.
Exercise more:Burns more calories. And if you exercise on an empty stomach it can force your body to burn fat. But with an empty stomach, you have nothing to fuel your exercise, which makes it so much harder to stick to.
Of course these have been the mainstay of losing weight for many years and if you have any willpower, they’ll work for you. But if you’re looking for an easier, less stressful way to lose the pounds, you need to know about the 3rd missing secret to fat loss..
Speed up your Metabolism: The ‘missing secret’
Your ‘basal’ or resting metabolism, uses around 60% of the calories you need each day, with around 30% of the calories used when you move (known as your activity metabolism). The other 10% are used for digesting food, which is known as your thermic metabolism.
Turn up your metabolism and those figures rise, meaning you’ll be burning more calories, without diet or exercise.
People fall into one of two metabolic types:
Slow metabolisers.These people have a problem burning calories and will store fat easily and unfortunately, very quickly.
Many people will complain and say “I wish I had your fast metabolism so I didn’t put on weight so easily.”Well you can speed up your metabolism and become one of ‘them’, much easier than you think. If you turn up your metabolic dial, you’ll burn more calories NATURALLY. Your body’s calorie furnace will be turned up to maximum power, forcing it to not only burn the calories you eat at every meal, but also your stored fat!
Remember, it’s your metabolism which ultimately controls your weight loss or gain, because it’s responsible for how much fat your body burns rather than stores.
Adiphene turns up your metabolism so it can burn more of the fat you eat, along with your stored fat, much more effectively . . .
Turn up your ‘Metabolic Dial’ and you’ll lose weight without dieting or exercise
Your metabolic rate is simply the rate at which your body burns calories. Speed up your calorie burning (metabolism) and you can lose weight even if you eat the same amount of food! Just turn the dial with Adiphene.
Can you see why it makes so much sense to concentrate your weight loss efforts on speeding your metabolism up?
Don’t worry, you can speed up your metabolism without changing your diet and without exercise.
And this is not Hocus Pocus. It’s simply switching your metabolism naturally using specially selected nutrients, proven to force up your metabolic rate, forcing your body to burn more calories and more of your stored fat.
But be warned… despite what you’ve heard in the past, when you diet and exercise alone, without turning up your metabolism, you are throwing water on your metabolic fire
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