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Friday, December 13, 2013

Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness

Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness

When you first started working out, you probably hated it. Soreness hurts! But as you progressed, you no doubt embraced it—most of us consider it a signal that we’ve done our diligence and stimulated plenty of muscle growth. But is that true?
The fact is, there are no studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay, don’t stop reading yet; you will get some good stuff from being a bit sore–and you’ll probably even want to strive for it. But first you need to know what causes muscle soreness.
It’s believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it’s primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of an exercise—like when you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep.
Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle should grow larger; however, that trauma is in the myofibrils, the force-generating actin and myosin strands in the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across one another to cause muscular contraction. When you control the negative stroke of a rep, there is friction as those strands drag across each other in an attempt to slow movement speed to prevent injury—and that dragging, it’s believed, is what inflicts the microtrauma.
That’s a simplification, but you get the idea. So it appears that some growth can occur after muscle soreness is repaired, but it’s in the myofibrils. More and more research is beginning to show that those force-generating strands do not contribute the majority of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic expansion. That’s the “energy fluid” in the fibers that’s filled with glycogen (from carbs), ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.
So if soreness is an indication of only small amounts of muscle growth, why strive for it? Well, even small amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most of us want every fraction we can scrape up. But the real reason to seek some soreness is to burn more fat.
When the myofibrils are damaged by emphasizing the eccentric, the body attempts to repair them as quickly as possible. That repair process takes energy, a lot of which comes from bodyfat. The process usually takes many days, so your metabolism is stoked to a higher level for 48 hours or more, helping you get leaner faster. (Note: High-intensity interval training, like sprints alternated with slow jogs, damages muscle fibers during the intense intervals, the sprints, which is why HIIT burns more fat in the long run than steady-state cardio where no muscle damage occurs.)
Do you need heavy negative-only sets to get that extra bit of size and metabolic momentum? That’s one way, but negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets may be a better, safer way.
For an X-centric set you take a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and raise the weight in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six-second-negative cadence does some great things, starting with myofibrillar trauma for some soreness. While you’re coping with that extra post workout muscle pain, remember that it can build the myofibrils and that it’s stoking your metabolism during the repair process for more fat burning.
486x60The second BIG advantage is sarcoplasmic expansion. At seven seconds per rep and eight reps per set, you get almost an entire minute of tension time (seven times eight is 56 seconds). A TUT of 50 to 60 seconds is something most bodybuilders never get—which is a shame because that’s optimal stress for an anabolic cascade and this is the perfect way to train as you age. I call it Old School New Body!
You can do an X-centric set after your heavy pyramid—if you’re into heavy training. In other words, use it as a backoff set.
If you’re more into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as I am with the F4X method featured in the Old School New Body method, you can use X-centric as the last set of the sequence. Reduce the weight and do a one-up-six-down cadence. You’ll get sore, build some extra size and—bonus—burn for fat. How great is that?
Till next time, stay tuned, train smart and be Built for Life.
Steve Holman (4)

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The Truth About Weight Loss Pill Phen375

The Truth About Weight Loss Pill Phen375 | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

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By Yogesh Rajaram Kshirasagar
In today’s fast world of technology, more and more folks are consciously trying to get a slender, trim and healthy body, thus the weight reduction medication market’s economy is obviously booming with the launching of new medicines every now and then. Certainly one of the most up-to-date product to enter this field is Phen375, promising to lessen fatty tissues and to disable your body from storing them. But the underlying question is does Phen375 work or is Phen375 a fraud? natural weight loss pills for women
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Phen375 has been derived from extensively used Phentermine dietary pills, containing all its quality but excluding its negative side effects. Phentermine, although supplied with effective results, was soon banned by FDA due to its side effects. This incident, led many scientists to analyze for a long time completely to produce Phen375. Unlike its predecessor Phen375 is stated in a FDA sanctioned laboratory and is processed through strict regulations and also under goes chains of tests in order to ensure the best results from the drug.
So how exactly does phen375 work? natural weight loss pills for women
Based on the scientists researches, an individual taking phen375 can lose three to five pounds weekly, without following any exercising curriculum or any weight reduction diet programme. Phen375, achieves this excellent deed by reducing one’s appetite, increasing one’s metabolic rate and restricting your body’s capacity to store fat. This drug also offers seemingly a fruitful aptitude to boost the vitality level, which may be useful for people who diet or don’t possess enough attention to devote to their food habits.
The ingredients of Phen375 natural weight loss pills for women
Phen375 mainly contains almost all the constituents of Phentermine, but due to its advanced combination of Cyclic Enzyme Boosters, a Sympathomimetic Amine, LongJack Tongkate ALI, Capsaicin 1.12, and I-carnitine, it effects are stronger, purer and without the side effects.
Sympathomimetic Amine: activates a boost in degree of energy, by increasing AMP level, which often improves metabolism.
LongJack Tongkate ALI: creates more muscle tissues, which are feaster to burn than fatty tissues, as a result it increases the level of testosterone in the body.
Capsaicin: is accountable for thermogenic burn that’s to state this augments your body temperature which often really helps to burn more calories per day.
L-carnitine: affects the gonadotropin, by discharging fat at a quicker rate in to the blood stream which compels your body to burn the discharged material in to the bloodstream at an equally faster pace.
Side effects of Phen375 natural weight loss pills for women
Unfortunately, almost everything on earth is subjected to pros and cons, similarly is the case with Phen375. Notwithstanding meticulous tests and precautions patients can experience various unwanted effects such as for example dizziness, increased blood pressure, increased heartbeat, sleeping disorder and slight uneasiness in the stomach. Consequently, consumers battling with high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and any heart problems are strictly recommended not to try this drug. (32)

How Green Coffee Bean Formation Impacts the Flavor Profile of the Roasted Coffee

How Green Coffee Bean Formation Impacts the Flavor Profile of the Roasted Coffee | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

How Green Coffee Bean Formation Impacts the Flavor Profile of the Roasted Coffee

By Steve Josephs Co-Author: Jackson Kanampiu
While working as a professional coffee taster and quality controller with several of the top coffee companies in Kenya, cupping hundreds of coffees every day for many, many years, I found that certain physical characteristics in the formation of the green beans consistently produced very specific and identifiable qualities in the profile of the resulting roast.
In this article we are going to share our experiences as to how these various flaws in the physical formation of green coffee beans can help you understand the cause of resulting cup and, therefore, help you with your green bean purchases.
There are many factors within the various stages of plant husbandry and harvesting that cause these flaws in green bean formation which we’ll identify in this article. More important, we’ll speak to how these formation flaws can directly affect cup acidity, body and flavor.
To begin, the major formation flaws found in green coffee beans prior to roasting include:
o Shriveled natural weight loss pills for women
o Thin edged
o Boat shaped
o Ragged
o Hollow or Shell
o Multiple center cut natural weight loss pills for women
Since a number of these formation flaws tend to occur together in the same beans, we’re going to group those flaws that have a similar cause and effect.
Shriveled, Thin Edged and Boat Shaped
Green beans that are shriveled are deformed beans, usually small, irregular or immature in formation, usually with multiple center cut. Thin edged and boat shaped are easily identified as the name of the flaw indicates.
Beans with these formations are lacking in nutrition, including Chlorogenic acid and magnesium during the growth process. Causes also include drought or lack of sufficient irrigation. As a result, these beans will normally be whitish to brownish-yellow in color.
The beans will sometimes open during roasting and almost always produce a soft roast. In addition, these flaws in formation often cause the beans to break during the roasting and blending process.
As a result, the roasted beans will tend to give you a smoky taste because they require over roasting, compensating for the pale beans. More often than not, they will also have excessive hay and grassy flavors.
During cupping, you’ll also experience a flat cup, a harsh full body and lacking in acidity. The excessive presence of shriveled beans will result in a high percentage of moisture loss (20% plus) during roasting.
Genesis Today Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract
Ragged natural weight loss pills for women
These beans are not smooth, but instead have a rough and corrugated appearance. This is caused by overbearing, drought-affected cherries and immature in ripening, often leading to a yellow cherry. You’ll notice that these beans will also have a sticky sliver skin which isn’t completely removed during the milling process.
Roasted ragged beans will result in a pale color with a lot of chaff, partially because of the sticky silver skin. The result will be a soft roast which is more permeable and, together with the chaff, will result in very fine fragments in the brewed coffee, giving a heavy and viscous body in the cup with many impurities.
Hollow or Shell natural weight loss pills for women
This formation flaw is sometimes caused by deficiencies in minerals in the soil, but with a generous water supply, causing the tree to produce large beans that mutate. This condition can also be caused when two beans are growing together and then one dies while the other continues to grow, which are commonly referred to as shells because of the resulting formation.
The roast of hollow or shell beans is very similar to that found with shriveled, thin edged and boat shaped beans as described above.
Multiple Center Cuts natural weight loss pills for women
These beans are identified by having two or more center lines. This formation is usually found in shriveled beans and ragged beans, but can also be found in full solid beans. The causes range from either overfeeding or because the coffee trees have been drought affected.
Still, too many multiple center cuts, all other things being acceptable, will cause an uneven grind after the roast, negatively affecting the body in the cup.
Conclusions natural weight loss pills for women
High quality beans will not contain formation flaws, whereas most coffee beans that do contain these types of flaws will remain pale and under roasted at a normal roast. As a result, beans with these flaws require over roasting which will result in a high percentage loss in total weight of 20% or more. This loss in weight should be taken into account when buying green coffee and measured against high quality alternatives.
Over the years, we’ve found that green bean quality and its resulting cup is not a result or origin, but primarily a result of superior plant husbandry, milling, grading and sorting, enabling each country to produce top quality coffees with ideal characteristics for that region.
This article is the second in a five-part series describing general guidelines on how to determine quality characteristics of green coffee beans before the cupping analysis.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

pure coffee beans extract | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

pure coffee beans extract | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

Can Green Coffee Bean Help With Weight Loss?

natural weight loss pills for women

By Shawn R. Dawson
Expert Author Shawn R. Dawson
Green coffee bean as a substance has been heralded as an absolute breakthrough in the world of diet products. Millions of people have already taken on the product as something that they can add to their daily exercise regime, and it has already been shown to have an impact. People are looking at green coffee bean extract for losing weight, and they are pretty much demanding it, with the product flying off the shelves worldwide. However, not everyone understands what this stuff is and how it works. In this article we will look at the details surrounding this product, and we’ll be seeing just how much value the green coffee bean phenomenon can bring to people’s lives. natural weight loss pills for women
Green coffee beans are beans that have not been roasted. This means that they are not ready for use for the purpose of converting into coffee. In this clean and unsullied state they contain something rather special, that scientists are stating is responsible for losing weight. As green coffee beans they contain something called chlorogenic acid, which has a massive part to play into how the body deals with food once it has been taken into the mouth and into the digestive system. Chlorogenic acid actually slows down the release of glucose into the human body. It is this process that helps to promote weight loss. The reason why green coffee beans are so effective, according to scientists and researchers, is that roasting a coffee bean forces the chlorogenic acid out of the bean, and therefore removes the potential to slow that glucose down.
Obviously, the green coffee beans have to be made more palatable for humans. They cannot just be eaten in their raw form. So suppliers are therefore converting the green coffee beans into a capsule that can be ingested by the consumer as part of their diet plan. natural weight loss pills for women
The green coffee bean phenomenon is not all hype. Apparently it really works. The reason why the industry is so excited about it centers around one study that was carried out with green coffee beans and weight loss. The study was published in the influential medical journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, and confirmed that green coffee bean does indeed promote weight loss. In this highly influential study, eight men and eight women were tested with the substance, with a view to ascertaining whether it actually did help them to lose any weight. There was a placebo effect too, so the study could be verified as being accurate.
The results natural weight loss pills for women
Each participant was given a high dose and then a low dose of the extract, to check the validity of the product. This was all undertaken over a long period of time, so the person’s diet and lifestyle could be taken into account too. The extract was given to this group over three separate six-week long experiments. It was during these experiments that the researchers realized that they had an extract that was certainly proving to be somewhat effective in reducing the weight of the participants.
Over the course of the experiment a fascinating result unfolded, with the researchers finding that, on average, participants lost more than 17 pounds in weight. This is obviously significant in many ways, but at the very least it shows that the extract can actively promote weight loss to a significant degree. And it also means that you can use coffee bean for weight loss as part of a diet and lifestyle plan that, overall, helps you to change your weight. In other words, it is a positive and effective part of your overall weight loss plan, alongside other elements such as exercise and correct diet.
Digging deeper natural weight loss pills for women
If we dig deeper into the study, some even more fascinating facts emerge. Going back to the total weight loss, this means that participants lost up to 10 per cent of their total weight. This is an impressive amount of weight loss in such a short period of time, and asks clear questions about further weight loss with continued use of the product. Add to this another startling fact, that participants saw an actual decrease in total body fat of 16 per cent. This type of result is very rare for almost any product in the weight loss industry, and is therefore something to seriously consider when deciding on a weight loss plan.
We took a look at the product in the flesh, as it were, and tested it out ourselves. We found that after a week, and through following the instructions carefully, we saw significant weight loss with green coffee bean. We spent a few weeks following the regime exactly as the extract instructions told us. So what happened?
We found that after just seven days the average weight loss was three pounds. This is an amazing amount of weight loss for such a short space of time. We didn’t change our diet in any way, and we followed our usual lifestyle. The result showed us that green coffee bean is responsible for weight loss.
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Does The Green Coffee Bean Really Help With Weight Loss And Health? | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

Does The Green Coffee Bean Really Help With Weight Loss And Health? | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

Does The Green Coffee Bean Really Help With Weight Loss And Health?

natural weight loss pills for women

By Dennis W White
Expert Author Dennis W White
Most people don’t stop to think about the fact that there are two kinds of fat. One is and external fat like in the belly, arms and legs and the other is an internal fat that can cause major health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and much more.
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While there is no substitute for diet and exercise, we can however do more than that to become healthy and lean quicker. A natural substance called green coffee bean extract is just what the doctor ordered to help us on our journey. We will find that it is a natural healthy way to lose weight if we use the right product that meets the criteria that was used in the studies.There are so many versions out now and not all meet the requirements. We can’t just go to the store to get a good quality version of this supplement.
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What Is Green Coffee Bean Extract? natural weight loss pills for women
Green coffee bean extract is taken from the green coffee bean before it is ever roasted or chemicals added to make normal everyday coffee. In its natural state, it is a healthy alkaline substance for the body. While all coffee may have some health benefits, The coffee bean that is unprocessed has a natural cholorgenic acid that helps with weight loss. These acid forming enzymes help the liver and the formation of glucose in the body.
How Does Green Coffee Help In Weight Loss And Health? natural weight loss pills for women
In recent studies, chloroganic acid has been found to have a natural enzyme that helps with glucose in the liver. The end result is the reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and various common disorders that so many suffer from today. It does all of this in a natural and healthy way without drugs and is also correcting the problem and re-balancing the body. These studies have also shown that the cholorgenic acid in the green coffee bean also acts like an anti obesity effect to the body by slowing the absorption of dietary fat and increasing the metabolism which cause the body to burn calories more effectively. when the bean is in its natural pure state it also acts as an alkaline to the body’s P.H. Balance and this improves the overall health of the body which helps prevent colds and flu.
The true Recommended Requirements For Green Coffee Bean Extract
The green coffee bean supplement must be 50% Chlorogenic Acid, with no additives or preservatives making it 100% pure green coffee bean.
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The studies show a recommended 800 mg of the supplement per day at least 30 min. before any meal with plenty of water.. I would take a 400mg capsule twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening.) Just like regular coffee, there is caffeine in the green coffee bean extract but it is a small amount and I and most people I have talked to don’t notice any effect on them when they take it.
A study was used on test subjects to see if they really lost weight or if it was in their mind before to see if claims where true. They ran a test where some test subjects were given a sugar pill and they logged their diets to see if people changed their every day eating routine. Those who took the bean and changed nothing else did in fact lose weight. So while we can only take the green coffee bean, it is wise to change our diet and drink lots of water as well as exercise to have an increased effect on our body and health.
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Green Coffee Bean Extract For Losing Weight Naturally

The Green Coffee Bean Extract Way
The idea of consuming green coffee bean extract to start losing weight may actually sound very new but it has already helped a lot of people go back to their ideal weight and more. Losing weight is never an easy thing to aim for. Aside from the fact that it will entail a lot of hard work and discipline, one is never really sure if the many supplements being offered in the market will be effective or not. The question now is, will this extract be an effective way to lose weight? Is it safe? How fast can one actually see results? Read on and find out.
A natural way to lose weight
The green coffee bean extract way of losing weight is one good option to lose those extra fats. One may ask why these beans are green. It is because these beans have not been roasted. The reason why the regular coffee beans most people are familiar with are dark in color is because these beans have been roasted up to 475 degrees Fahrenheit. This roasting process can actually make the beans lose its fat-burning and anti-oxidant element that it naturally possess. Needless to say, the green coffee beans are in its most natural state and therefore can make people lose weight naturally.
Green Coffee Bean Extract Doesn't take much to lose much
One doesn't need to take in much of the caffeine that comes with coffee when taking in the green coffee bean supplement. It only has 20mg of caffeine per serving which is way less compared to the regular cup which has 100mg of caffeine. No need to worry about that nervous, jittery feeling that regular coffee gives. Just sit back, relax and wait for the chlorogenic acid, the active ingredient of this particular supplement, to work its way to achieve the ideal body weight.
All natural and more affordable
Some more benefits from the green coffee beans is that it is way more affordable compared to the roasted ones. Moreover, these are all natural beans and do not contain any additives. Meaning one will truly get the pure effect of chlorogenic acid found in green coffee beans that initiates fat absorption and helps promote fat metabolism in the liver. The same acid is actually responsible for increasing body heat which allows the body to lose fats naturally. In addition, it also helps in preventing the development of new fat cells because of its anti-oxidant feature.
Amazingly effective and safe
Nothing beats having a powerful, safe and all natural oxidant that causes one to lose weight quite fast. A study was actually made among overweight young adults who tried the green coffee beans in full dose form. Amazingly, in just twenty-two weeks, they actually lost 17.5 pounds on the average. They also lost a total of 10.5 % on total body weight. No need to be frustrated again with the supplement to be used while losing weight. Lose weight while using the most natural coffee beans and stop worrying about whether it's going to be effective or not. One can also stop thinking if it would be safe or not because this supplement is 100% safe and all natural.
What now?
Tired of seeing those extra fats? Trimming down for better health? Want to have that attractive figure again? Losing weight is now as easy as sitting down on one's porch and simply drinking coffee - the all natural one. There may be a lot of supplements available online (especially the kind that contains caffeine) and a lot of them can surely help one lose weight and get that ideal look again. But the thing is, it would be wise to make sure one will be able to get the all natural, safe and effective green coffee bean supplement. Find out more as to what green coffee bean extract can offer and start losing weight quickly - and minus the harmful side effects.
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Best Weight Loss Pills For Women | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract

The Best Weight Loss Pills For Women | weight loss pills| Green Coffee Bean Extract
The Best Weight Loss Pills For Women
By Sara Marie James
When it comes to down mass, it a minute ago seems to be more tiring designed for particular natives than others. We all know with the intention of a healthy diet and drill will consequence in down mass, but having a tad of added help in the form of top mass loss pills designed for women is welcomed by persons frustrating to shed particular pounds.
Green Coffee Bean pills
The core matter with the intention of everybody needs to know as soon as it comes to using the top diet pills designed for women is with the intention of they will not transform your life or help you lose mass if you don’t bolt healthy and drill. These pills are to be used in addition to working unacceptable recurrently and ingestion a balanced diet. Following with the intention of regimen is ready to dig up you the top results on the cards.
Types of Weight Loss Pills
There are various types of the top mass loss pills designed for women and they fix not all run in the same way. While they are all designed to help natives lose mass, they fix so in various ways.
* Thermogenic Fat Burners. These pills run to advance your metabolism which will help your body burn more fat right through the daylight. The standard core ingredient in fat burners is caffeine. Those vulnerable to caffeine must exercise these products with caution as they may possibly manufacture surplus boundary property. There are as well particular fat burners untaken with the intention of fix not contain every stimulants – not even caffeine.
* Fat Blockers. Fat blockers fix a minute ago what did you say? The identify says: Block fat. The core ingredient in these products is chitosan. Chitosan basically bonds itself to fat with the intention of is in the digestive tract and can lump up to 7 time its mass in fat.
* Appetite Suppressants. The pills considered to be keenness suppressants help natives lose mass since they reduce desire. The core cause of down mass with these types of pills is ingestion as soon as you aren’t hungry. These surplus calories build up in your body and consequence in mass improvement. Appetite suppressants help you control your desire so with the intention of you merely bolt as soon as you’re hungry and you’ll as well bolt fewer. Many fat burners as well run as keenness suppressants so with the intention of is something to consider.
* Products with Cortisol. Thanks to commercials and infomercials many of us are by the side of smallest amount somewhat familiar with the time cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone with the intention of is released as soon as we are under stress. Cortisol basically increases keenness and tells your body to warehouse fat. Obviously if you’re ingestion more and your body is storing more fat, it can by a long way consequence in mass improvement.
Do Weight Loss Pills Really Work?

The top mass loss pills designed for women can help you lose mass if you exercise them well. However, you can’t expect to lose mass and keep it inedible designed for the longer time by taking pills each daylight. Your top back is to exercise these types of pills in conjunction with the top mass loss tips designed for women which are: Eat a healthy, balanced diet and regular drill with the intention of includes cardiovascular and strength training activities. These pills are designed to assist with down mass but it helps to bolt healthy and workout to dig up the top results.
If you’re in search of the top mass loss pills designed for women with the intention of in fact mechanism, fat burners, fat blockers, keenness suppressants or cortisol products can help you dig up the job finished. However, it’s principal not to rely solely on mass loss pills as the top mass loss devices designed for women fix not often include them.

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